My name is Siraya Gloudemans and I run the blog and social media pages Stay at Home ZooKeeper. I am a licensed teacher in early childhood, elementary, and adaptive education. I taught for 5 years before staying home with my children. My first September not going back to teaching, my 2 year old son was diagnosed with regressive autism. He is currently non-speaking. He has since been diagnosed with ADHD as well. As I research more about neurodivergence it is highly likely I have been living and adapting my life to my personal ADHD as well.
I take the adaptations I have made for myself and my son and combine it with my education and training in special needs education and share the ways in which the 1Thrive systems can help an individual with Autism/ADHD/Special Needs as well as their families.
While not all of these systems are actively in place in our home as they are not a current fit, I still work to provide many ideas in which they could help someone should they have that need.