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Use Wall Organizers for Homeschooling & Save Your Sanity During COVID-19

Use Wall Organizers for Homeschooling & Save Your Sanity During COVID-19

With the onset of COVID-19, parents everywhere are facing the challenge of working from home with children also going to school from home. During this time, one of the most important things you can do for you and your children is to establish a routine. Kids thrive when there are consistent activities they can expect. Here are some ways to create a routine and how using a wall organizer will give your kids the security to succeed during this unusual time.  

Remember: It’s Only Temporary

When crafting a new routine for your kids, remember that this is just a temporary situation and nothing has to be written in stone. It may take a few tries to get it right, so being flexible is key. Once you’ve got a good working routine in place, it’s important to keep it reliable. Knowing what’s expected at different times during the day will help your child confidently cope with this new way of doing things. 

Stick to Your Pre-COVID Routine

The changes in your child’s life right now can be unsettling to them; so, it’s important to make this new way of going to school as similar as you can to the way it’s always been. If your usual morning routine means they get up at a certain time, eat breakfast, and then get dressed for school, it’s a good idea to continue doing that now. Even if school is now held in the family room, resist the urge to let your child sleep late or spend the day in their p.j.’s. Use your usual morning routine to create a switch that puts your child in “school mode,” and sends the message that when it comes to going to school only the venue has changed. 

Stay On Track with a Wall Organizer for Homeschool

You can easily turn any space in your house into an organized home school experience with a wall organizer. 

  • Monthly Calendar

Having a monthly calendar in a prominent place in your home will act as a quick reminder of assignments, tests, or holidays to come. This way you and your child will always be able to see, at a glance, due dates and what’s coming during the school year and be able to prepare in advance. 

  • Weekly Calendar

To stay on top of each day’s assignments, a weekly calendar is a must. This is also helpful to balance online and in-school learning if your child is participating in a hybrid schooling situation. For little ones with more loose schedules, use the weekly calendar for scheduling activities such as art activities, nature walks, playground visits, and nap time. A white matte board is great for this as you can fill it in each week and easily adjust if anything changes. 

  • Tasks & To-Do Lists

A daily to-do list will help your child stay on task. The key here is to keep it simple. Having a few achievable tasks your child can check off throughout the day will keep them from feeling overwhelmed and give them a sense of accomplishment. The best tool for this is a small to-do blackboard that can be erased and changed daily. 

The Taylor Wall Organizer from 1Thrive 

The Taylor wall organizer has everything you need to establish your child’s homeschool routine. Its streamlined design doesn’t take up much room on the wall and gives you a place to keep your child’s weekly calendars as well as their daily tasks and things-to-do lists, pens, pencils markers, and important papers. 

The Taylor wall organizer includes: 

  • Long black magnetic frame
  • Medium weekly whiteboard
  • Small to-do blackboard
  • Small corkboard
  • Gold File Holder
  • Hanging buckets for keeping pens, pencils, and markers within easy reach
  • 2 Liquid Chalk markers

Maintain Regular School Hours

Just as you kept the early morning routine, it’s also important to stick to school hours. Wrap up your child’s day at the same time they normally would at school. Whether it’s with a snack, letting them watch television, play video games, or go outside to play, this is their cue that school’s out.  

It’s a topsy-turvy time full of unexpected challenges. But, with some homeschool organization and a consistent routine, you and your children are sure to come through it with flying colors! 


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