1THRIVEr of the Month: Getting Active with Brooke and Her Family

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1THRIVEr of the Month: Getting Active with Brooke and Her Family

1THRIVEr of the Month: Getting Active with Brooke and Her Family

Hailing from Columbia, Missouri, give a warm welcome to our 1THRIVEr of the month, Brooke! (This is where you’d hear game show music and applause if this was a TV show.)

We recently spoke to Brooke in her lovely home. The sun was shone luminously through the window, and her daughter Sloan danced in the background without a worry in the world.

During our chat, Brooke told us about what she loves most about her 1THRIVE Center:

  • Everything you need is centrally located in one place
  • The system is surprisingly simple to put together
  • Planning the family’s weekly agenda is a cinch
  • Displaying the kid’s artwork gives it a personal touch
  • It’s a great place to store calendars, invitations, vacation memories

Meet the family!

As a teacher with two kids, two dogs, and a very busy husband, Brooke really has her work cut out for her. On top of her own active lifestyle, her children are always up to something sporty.

Her 5-year-old daughter, Sloan, is an avid dancer, and her 3-year-old son, Trip, loves soccer. So you can imagine how much energy is bouncing around that household!

“Between the two of them, they have around 45 thousand friends,” Brooke told us, “so we always have a birthday party or a playdate [to set up].”

Event planning at the best of times is stressful enough, but when you’re such an active family, things can easily slip through the cracks. So for Brooke’s family, it was time for a change in organization. Enter the 1THRIVE Center.

Brooke stated that communication and organization are her biggest successful goals since starting to use her command center. “We use it as a display for the kids’ work, a weekly agenda, and storage,” she said. “It’s currently in the area off the garage next to my kids’ built-in cubbies.”

Brooke’s husband, Tyler, is a medical device salesman, so this also means most of the day to day home duties are her responsibility. “He works a lot, so anything around the house falls on me.”

The brain can only handle so much

We asked Brooke about her previous methods of organization before she became a 1THRIVEr. “I used my brain,” she told us, “which is not always the best when I’m chasing the kids around.”

“I also have a planner that I fill out by hand, and I use my phone calendar.” Having more than one form of organization on the go can get confusing, as Brooke discovered. “I would sit down at the beginning of the month and look at both the planner and the calendar, and I could never keep it balanced.”

When we spread ourselves too thin, it can be hard to regroup and get sh*t done. But Brooke’s 1THRIVE Center has shown her that less is more, and visual organization is key to a simple routine. Consolidating your important tools and daily documents into one system takes half the stress away.

“I love how it took everything off my counters and put it all in one place. Calendars, invitations, artwork; everything is centrally located, and that is what I love most about it.”

Avoiding another epic #ParentFail moment

There’s a certain kind of magic to the command center. It opens up your creativity and puts your mind at ease. “It was fun to try out the different options and find out what was going to work best for us. It was super easy to put together. I mean, if I can put it together, then anyone can!”

Speaking of magic. On top of invites and schoolwork, one of the things Brooke stores in her 1THRIVE Center is family vacation memories. “Taking the kids to Disney last year was so memorable. Experiencing magic and make-believe through the eyes of your children is breathtaking.”

But vacations aren’t always a dream come true if your organization system isn’t tailored to your needs. We asked Brooke about a time when she experienced a true organization fail. “That one time your baby has the biggest blowout of the century (on a road trip), and you realize you have no diapers or wipes. It's moments like these that shape the type of mother I am.”

Luckily thanks to her 1THRIVE Center, it’s unlikely Brooke will be forgetting any vital vacation necessities any time soon. And the family’s daily routines can rest easy too; no soccer balls left on the school ground; no dance class tutus hidden in the laundry. No lost items, no forgotten appointments, just good organization.

And with that, as our interview comes to an end, Sloan gives us a dance to bid us farewell. If that’s not THRIVING, then I don’t know what is.

1THRIVE creates beautiful, customizable command centers with interchangeable components that support your efforts to live a more organized life. Find your ideal 1THRIVE Center here and follow us on Facebook for more advice on living your best life.


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